Well, we are always told from childhood that it is never good to tell a lie.  We heard the story of a wooden boy named Pinocchio. The story goes like this, whenever Pinocchio lies to someone the length of his nose increases by some centimetres. So, that is considered as his punishment from God. Our mother and Grandmothers always frightened us with this story. 

But every human being tells a lie, every now and then. We lie to our friends, family and most of the time to our bosses. But not every lie is dangerous. For example, white lies are not told to save yourself from something or to hurt someone. 

What is a white lie: White lies are some quotes on your white t-shirts that are openly saying that you are telling a lie. These lies are not to hurt someone but these lies are for fun and enjoyment. You did not say a single word from your mouth. All your lies are printed on your t-shirts.

Some examples of White lies:

  • Call you later
  • I barely drank
  • I promise not to tell
  • Yes, I asked them
  • I saved your number
  • I forgot!
  • I’ve never been here
  • That was an accident
  • I didn’t have time
  • Having so much fun!
  • I don’t judge people
  • I’ve seen that movie 100 times
  • I’m better than that
  • I’m very strong
  • That’s so funny
  • I’m busy
  • I love that show
  • I threw that away already
  • I’m not a gold digger
  • I fell asleep
  • I can pay for you
  • You can trust me
  • I heard you!
  • That color looks great on you
  • I’d love to hang out again
  • Sorry, I lost it!
  • I’m not bored!
  • I’m never drinking again
  • I work out all the time

White Lie And Birthday Idea: 

white lies party


White Lies on birthday parties are trending.  It takes the fun of a birthday party to the next level. You can create a game out  of it also as you can start a competition about who lies in the most funny way. Some white lie t-shirt party ideas are as follows:

  • I love my job
  • I must get up early
  • You’re so skinny
  • I’m always safe
  • I have high standards
  • My phone is always dead
  • You look familiar!
  • I never speed
  • I’ll be there ASAP
  • I have so much to do
  • I’m responsible
  • Text you when I get there
  • I won’t forget!
  • I’m not talking to anyone else
  • I have plans
  • I’m allergic
  • I got a perfect score
  • The next round is on me
  • I’m a nice person
  • I barely check my phone

Some white lie t-shirt party ideas for tiktok lovers:

These ideas will definitely make your Tik Tok videos so viral.

  • I had a great time
  • You look great!
  • I’m so tired
  • On my way
  • Money isn’t important
  • I feel sick
  • Your friends are nice
  • I love being single
  • This is brand new
  • I’m not the jealous type
  • I hate attention
  • I don’t mind!
  • I get straight A’s
  • I don’t procrastinate
  • I eat healthy
  • That was great
  • I don’t hate them
  • I’m totally fine
  • I don’t think about him/her anymore
  • I save money
  • I didn’t take it!
  • I’m not lazy
  • Can’t wait
  • I’m not hungry
  • I make $____ a year
  • I’m not bothered
  • You’re hilarious!
  • I’m broke
  • I’ve lost weight
  • I love my coworkers
  • You’re right
  • I’m all natural
  • I’ll pay you back tomorrow
  • I didn’t eat it
  • I blocked them
  • I’m looking forward to it!
  • I don’t know them
  • My place is so messy
  • I did nothing wrong
  • I have a lot of hobbies
  • That looks good
  • I’m not single
  • I always wear my seatbelt
  • I never overdo it
  • There’s no one like me
  • I’m happy for you!
  • Be there soon
  • I’m so over them
  • I barely talk to him/her
  • You are perfect for each other!