It is ideal for students to be exposed to a wide range of complex concepts across subject areas during an academic year. In time for the exams, it may be challenging to retain a large part of what needs to be learned. As such, what should students do to be able to understand the concepts of the required subjects for a board exam? In this article, we have summarised some tips or strategies that students can use to grasp and retain concepts in a better way. 

Knowing the concepts that need to be cracked is the first step towards mastering them. By consulting the syllabus, students can understand the topics covered and plan their studies accordingly. Textbooks are the best resource to understand the required concepts in a clear and concise manner. In Gujarat, for example, students are encouraged to use the relevant GSEB textbook as prescribed by the state board so that they can prepare most effectively for the state board exams.    

Tips and Strategies to Adopt for Best Results 

To begin with, students should be familiar with the subject they need to study. They should understand the subject’s purpose, its function or how it works, its origin, the concepts associated with it, etc. Students can use the internet, ask the teachers or others, read books about the topic, or watch videos to find answers to these basic questions. 

Moreover, most students are required to learn a lot of information within a short period of time before the board exams. The following are some basic strategies students can use while preparing for the board or final exam.

  1. Explain the concept in as much detail as possible without using jargon. Do not consult reference materials at this stage.
  2. Students are advised to review those elements of the concept they had difficulties in explaining. Step 1 should be repeated until the whole concept can be explained.
  3. After the student has written down an explanation in its entirety, they should simplify it further without compromising its content. In this step, they can determine if there are any aspects of the concept that they are still uncertain about and need to revisit.
  4. Concepts can be understood much more easily if they are illustrated with comparisons, images, or even examples. 
  5. Consistent, well-paced out learning is the most effective way to retain information for a longer period of time.
  6. It is considered admirable to work hard, but smart work is equally important. Incorporating strategies that increase efficiency in exam preparation will ensure that the students are on the right path to achieve their goals. 

Studying for the board exams will be easier if students are able to learn the new concepts and understand the old ones better. Additionally, this will prepare them for discussions about the topic during competitive exams. Besides the above-mentioned strategies, using flashcards also helps students retain the information for a longer period of time.

If students are having problems applying or understanding key concepts, they can use the stoplight approach. The relevant textbooks prescribed by the state board are very helpful in this case, such as the Samacheer Kalvi books for Tamil Nadu Board students in the relevant class. 

The bottom line to easy preparation is that students should not be obsessed with getting high marks all the time. Instead, they should focus on acquiring more knowledge, which would prepare them for a better score in the long run.