According to the dictionary, occupied means without occupants. Something that is devoid of the furniture or other furnishing. However we can’t mean when a property is empty and it has no contents or tenants. The major difference between the two is a matter of time and intention.
If a property is not occupied, it’s totally a temporary condition. It is an exception to a residence that has occupants. Vacancy is something that generally represents abandonment of property. In other conditions it might affect the insurance coverage under the vehicle homeowner policy. This is why it is important to understand the outcomes of both to keep your coverage intact.
A general homeowner policy has a variety of areas that are affected by homes Occupancy status. Any damage caused due to freezing or property loss due to vandalism is not necessarily covered in unoccupied property insurance. Homeowner policy usually protects a property from any loss that might be caused by a frozen heating system, plumbing system, appliances or air conditioning system. Most home policies do not have uncovered the freeze related issues that might occur over a period of time when the home is vacant or unoccupied. This loss of coverage can be prevented with the help of an unoccupied property insurance.
Unoccupied House/Property Insurance
Unoccupied house or property insurance means you need to protect your unoccupied property from the risk of loss. It is important because the property when unoccupied becomes dangerous. It is prone to vandalism, theft , robbery and various other serious problems. This is why you should get your property insured whether it is occupied and unoccupied.
There are many exclusions to avoid the special loss conditions in an unoccupied house insurance. An unoccupied house property becomes an attractive nuisance where acts of vandalism can happen. If your home is occupied for a longer duration it is important that you purchase fire coverage to protect your home. There are many natural disasters that can cause damage. Any loss caused due to freezing or fire or theft might be damaging for your property. Insurers want to encourage homeowners to pre plan to eliminate the chance of loss. If an insured shares no responsibility towards the property, it means they are risking the chance of an insured loss. In case you are facing a situation where your property is occupied and awakened for an extended period, you must talk to your insurance agent. Do whatever is required to preserve your full insurance protection in this case.